• Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR)
  • Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW)
  • Ministry of Local Development (MLD)
  • Department of Irrigation (DoI)
  • Department of Roads (DoR)
  • Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS)
  • Nepal Water Supply Corporation (NWSC)
  • Nepal Army (NA)
  • Industrial Services Centre (ISC)
  • Small Hydro‑electric Development Board (SHDB)
  • Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)
  • National Commission on Population Secretariat (NCPS)
  • National Council for Science and Technology (NCST)
  • Department of Livestock Services (DLS)
  • Dairy Development Corporation (DDC
  • Department of Horticulture (DoH)
  • Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS)
  • Kathmandu Metropolitan City
  • Pokhara Sub Metropolis
  • Bharatpur Municipality
  • Mechi Municipality
  • Banepa Municipality
  • Butwal Municipality
  • Siddartha Municiaplity
  • District Development Committees of Nepal (DDCs)
  • Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Board
  • Town Development Fund(TDF)
  • Roads Board Nepal
  • Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies
  • Karnali Jalsrot Limited, Kathmandu

